Assalamualaikum. Suddenly those memories of being an adolescent came back into mind. Back then, making mistakes over & over again was fun. Almost everybody enjoyed it (Everybody here is referred to those friends back in teenage years). Hurmm, supposedly that's how everything turned out when you don't learn from history, though. Well, this one is taken by George Santayana. As he said that "Those who don't learn from history will be condemned to repeat it." Yeah, who is he? Okay this post is not about him anyways. Please refer here.
To tell about it, experience is also another form of history. They say that experience is the best teacher. So do history, isn't it? Because from both, you'll eventually learn how to progress in life. From both, you'll learn the dos & don'ts in life. From both, you'll know what you should do if the same situation is going to happen again in future. By having a series of break ups in the past, for instance, will lead you to be better player when you're into a relationship again in future, isn't it? It's just an example, anyhow ==